West Ranch Homeowners Society
July 14th, 2021 - 7:30pm - Location: Zoom Meeting
Attendees :
Colleen Joy, Peter Joy, Sheldon Kingcott, Paul Norris, Jen Hill, Paul
Norris, Rosanna Tawiah
WHRS Financial Update:
• Apr. 30 Opening Balance: $18,615.50
• July 29: $1,414.14 (Stone/Engraving/Deliver/Landscape supplies)
• Aug 13: $174.63 (Flowers and supplies for flowers)
• Interest Accrued during May - Sep = $1.67
• Today’s closing balance: $17,028.40
Action Items:
Colleen will work on removing the summer flowers and replace them with fall themed pots. Steve will continue to water them and maintain the “ blvd”. Lots of positive feedback about the rock, Some residents have noticed that the words slant a bit and are not completely level... it was attempted to raise the rock and level it out, but it is way too heavy.
Decision was made to leave it as it.
An email will be sent to community members about collecting a $50 association fee. We will do this in 2022, probably in March? Receipt will be sent out once money is collected. Paul Norris volunteered to keep track of the money deposited from each homeowner and when receipt is sent out... this will be worked out in the New Year.
Discussion about sending out regular communication to residents just to say “ happy thanksgiving “ or ‘ happy holidays ‘ with the website information on the email, to keep residents engaged and remind them of the presence of the WRHS. Colleen volunteered to be in charge of these communications and to manage the Facebook page.
Rosanna volunteered to take a look at the website and make sure that there is current information posted, ie: minutes of the meetings etc. Rosanna will provide minutes to Paul for Blog update.
Discussion about the painting of the perimeter fence in the future, and of the necessary repairs that will be required on the fence, which is the individual property owners responsibility.
It was suggested that rather than pay a professional company to paint the fence, why don’t we make it a community building event instead, and perhaps get a youth group to participate.. with supervision of course. That way the entire fence gets painted at the same time, which will look better in terms of overall appearance, and it won’t eat up all of our bank account. This will enable us to keep the annual fees low. Everyone present at the meeting was in agreement that this seems like a good plan moving forward in the spring.
Discussion about the stucco pillars that will need maintenance, and will most likely be the biggest cost facing the WRHS in the next few years.
Block party was a success... lots of people were there, and came for the free popcorn and cotton candy, and seemed happy ! Music from School of Rock was great. Thanks to all the coordinators.
Next meeting November 24, 2021 at 7:30pm via zoom .

Colleen, could you post the ZOOM link on the website when you have it please?
Thank you for the udpate!
Great work team!